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We know how to have fun

Every year we go to team building events at the cottage, to the campsite or to the dam, to the wine cellar, and of course to the Christmas party!

Next time you can be there too!

Wanna experience things with us you will enjoy? 


Whether it’s our traditional Green Thursday ..


... an opportunity to attend a wine cellar


... with a wine tasting


... with smiling colleagues


... or we're just making fun of ourselves


... or trying new activities


... with new friends


... or we learn how to safe a life 


... to the point 


... or at a great Christmas party 


... we don't take ourselves too seriously!

And now specifically - what team activities you could look forward to with us

Teambuilding at a cottage

Last year and this year, the entire Product team (including some colleagues from Rotterdam) gathered at a cottage in the Jizera Mountains. Besides the usual evening entertainment, grilling, and hot sauce tastings, we tried a coding escape room, a First Aid course, and various other activities.

Wine cellar

Last year, for the first time, we met in the beautiful site called Plže, and this year at a family winery in Moravská Nová Ves. Because it’s simply fantastic, we plan to make this autumn event an annual tradition.

Summer party

Some years at a camp, others by the reservoir. But always with good food and fun. P.S.: Partners and children are welcome.

Team breakfasts, dinners, celebrations, Christmas parties

At Level, we always find a reason to celebrate. Whether it’s our typical Thursday breakfasts or drinks, celebrations of the establishment of the Solution Center, or a team success. And this year’s Christmas party—it's going to be truly unforgettable!