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Volunteer days, blood donation, donations to non-profit organizations, and internships

Corporate social responsibility at Level includes a responsible approach to issues related to ecology, economics, and the social life of the community we live in.

The purpose of striving to be a socially responsible company can be explained from various perspectives.

We aim to inspire our employees to come up with new ideas on how they can be socially responsible in their personal lives or through our Solution Center. The goal is to encourage employees to take an interest in ecological, social, and economic issues and, through Level, have the opportunity to contribute to potential, albeit often partial, solutions to these challenges.

Socially responsible organizations can attract employees who value the principles upheld by companies like ours. At the same time, being a socially responsible company can be significant for both current and potential investors. Lastly, this approach is appreciated by partners and other stakeholders as it demonstrates a high level of responsibility and a forward-thinking orientation.

An essential aspect is also the personal sense of doing good, conserving natural resources, and providing fair working conditions. A socially responsible organization does not exploit its dominant position, supports community development, and protects the environment. This naturally leads to greater satisfaction, a future-oriented mindset, and thoughts about creating positive change.

Donations to non-profit organizations

Since the establishment of the Solution Center in Brno, we have been financially supporting children facing adverse health or family conditions, disadvantaged groups, and animal protection organizations every year. Both our employees and the company itself contribute to these efforts. We are grateful to be able to help those for whom even a small contribution can bring about significant positive change.

Blood donation

Some of our employees regularly donate blood according to their health and time availability. They can also take advantage of regular events organized by Clubco, where medical staff from St. Anne's University Hospital come directly to Vlněna, to our offices. To support this initiative, we offer employees a full day of paid leave for recovery.

Summer internships

Every year, we offer a paid summer internship for a select group of students. We focus mainly on candidates who, ideally, could continue working with us as full-time employees. We believe our internship program is a great opportunity for aspiring developers or students, providing them with the chance to gain experience in software development and the possibility to start their career in a young, growing company.


At Level, we are currently working on introducing "Volunteering Days," during which employees will have the opportunity to participate in various charitable activities. In the spring of this year, we plan to organize a team tree-planting event in the Moravian Karst, and in the long term, we would like our team to get involved in helping socially or health-disadvantaged individuals, children and youth, as well as animals and environmental protection.

We have more projects ahead of us

Some of the ways we are being a socially responsible company are already in place, and we are very happy about that. However, there is still work to be done, and new opportunities are arising for us to further engage in caring for disadvantaged individuals, the environment, and overall being responsible as we grow. We are also pleased when employees come up with their own ideas and want to contribute to making Level a socially responsible company.