Meal vouchers.
Per each day worked, we contribute 115,50,- directly to your salary.
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Some of them have become so ingrained in our culture that they form our core values.
Right now that I have discovered ways how to spend them it's a really nice benefit.
Per each day worked, we contribute 115,50,- directly to your salary.
Up to a maximum of 35,000 CZK excluding VAT.
At Level, you can have flexible working hours as needed, work from home, or from anywhere in the world. We'll also add 3 days of personal leave.
With us, you can choose according to your own preferences.
And that can be either team-based or individual, up to €600 per year.
And that amounts to 5% of your gross salary, after 1 year with us.
And that's every last Friday of the sprint.
Meeting the rest of the team in Rotterdam, usually once a year.
Designed so that everyone has fun and feels comfortable at the same time.
In the heart of Brno, with parking available.
Whether it's breakfast every Thursday or beers at the end of a sprint, you won't go thirsty with us!
Every summer, we open an internship program for software development talents, or we regularly contribute to those in need.
* Solution center s.r.o. reserves the right to change the benefits offering.